Temperature Sensitivity

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Why does it hurt when i drink a cup of tea or eat icecream?

Our Solution
Temperature sensitivity indicates damage to the enamel of a tooth. This may be as a result of brushing too firmly and causing toothbrush abrasion. There are some simple solutions and brushing techniques that we can show you to prevent further damage.

Temperature sensitivity can also indicate that tooth decay may have progressed deep into a tooth and started to damage the nerve. If a tooth is left too long and untreated, the bacteria will cause an abcess and cause the nerve to eventually die. An abcess can be very painful and a full-blown toothache usually requires root canal treatment or extraction.


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Why does it hurt I bite on something?

Our Solution
Pressure sensitivity when biting can indicate that there is  a crack in the tooth.  This may be because the tooth has been heavily-filled before or it contains an amalgam filling which expands and contracts over time, exerting force on the tooth. 

Crowns are a great long-term solution because they give strength to the biting surface of the tooth. A crown covers the entire tooth and protects it from decay and cracks.