Bad Breath and Bad Taste in Mouth

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Why does my breath smell?

How can I fix it?

How do I keep on top of it?

Our Solution
Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth that do not need oxygen to survive. They give off a sulphur smell as they break down food. This smell can become very strong and offensive as periodontal disease develops. Bad breath can have a huge effect on people’s relationships and confidence in social situations.

Bad breath is a sign of unhealthy gums and infection. Gum pockets are a sign of active and aggressive disease that results in bone loss and can also lead to tooth loss.

Regular preventative dental care and cleaning are essential. Our Oral Health Therapists are specifically trained to remove debris lodged in the gums and between the teeth. Hard plaque deposits can only be removed with special instruments. It is a bit like a rubbish bin that has rubbish stuck deep in the bottom and breaking down. This needs to be cleaned thoroughly to stop swelling, bleeding and the smell. 

Sore, Puffy or Bleeding Gums

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My gums don’t hurt so why is bleeding a problem?

How can I fix my bleeding gums?

Our Solution
Sore, puffy and bleeding gums are a sign of inflammation.

Healthy gums don’t bleed. If you brushed your fingernails with a nailbrush and they bled this would concern you. The same applies to your gums. Bleeding is a sign of infection and inflammation (gingivitis). This affects your overall health. The bacteria in your mouth can be transported around the body in the blood stream causing further inflammation.

Bleeding can lead to bone loss around the teeth and loose teeth.

Regular brushing, flossing and preventative dental appointments every 6 months are the best ways to keep your gums healthy.


Dry Mouth

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Why does my medication cause a dry mouth?

Are there any products that I can use to help my dry mouth?

Some medications and medical conditions can cause a dry mouth. Saliva is important as it lubricates the mouth, reduces acidity and this can help prevent decay.

We will assess and discuss the reasons for your dry mouth with you. Drinking more water is the first step.

We also have a range of products that we stock that we can recommend based on your individual needs.